First Articles Explained

When a company submits a Request For Quote, we always ask if they require First Articles. In many instances, purchasing agents and engineers don’t know what it is and how we handle First Articles here at VIP. So this blog post will describe First Articles in more detail.

So to start off, what is a First Article?

In the manufacturing world many companies and government agencies require First Articles to prove out a design or as a formality for all new parts or new vendors. First Articles can either be a Part, a Report, or both. Depending on the companies’ requirements, we can provide any three combinations of First Articles.

What’s the difference between a First Article Part and a First Article Report?

First Article Part: A First Article Part is when the manufacturer fabricates a part to act as a proof that they can meet the requirements on a drawing. The company would then use this part to measure the dimensions to their specifications and whether or not the manufacturer can successfully make the part.

Here at VIP, when we quote and plan the fabrication of a part and a First Article Part is required, we will include the price of a FA Part as a separate price. The pricing would be very similar to that of fabricating a one piece prototype, which generally is more costly that production quantities.

First Article Report: A First Article Report is when the fabricator makes parts and uses a part to record dimensions relative to the drawing’s requirements. The report of dimensions are used as verification to show that the fabricator can meet the dimensional print.

Here at VIP, when we quote and plan the fabrication of a part and the First Article Report is required, we will include the price of a FA Report as a separate price. The pricing would be based on the complexity of the part and the amount of time for our Quality Assurance to do a report on the corresponding dimensions.

Occasionally, companies will require both. So it really depends on what your company will need. VIP can provide both. So be sure to let us know during the quoting process of what you require and we will provide it in our quote.

Be sure to stay tuned for next week’s blog post!


Britney Blue (Payne):
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