The Importance of CAD Models in Manufacturing

CAD (computer-aided design) models have changed the way the manufacturing industry designs and manufactures parts. There’s no doubt that since CAD technology, there has been a huge turning point for the better. Before CAD, designers used paper, pencils, rulers, compasses, and other tools to go about their drafting. It was cumbersome, time consuming, and a nuisance at times especially when there were changes being made to the design. Continue reading

Benefits of Using an ISO 9001 Manufacturer

Manufacturing is an investment for a business. Whether its manufacturing products, in-house tooling, machinery, or even software, choosing an ISO certified company ensures quality is paramount for your investment. You may be asking yourself, well just because a company has a fancy certification, how does that make my product better than going to another company who isn’t certified? Great question! Continue reading

Engineering Drawings vs. Manufacturing Drawings

Engineering drawings, manufacturing drawings. Tomato, tomato. Right? – Wrong. Although these two terms can sometimes be used interchangeably, there is in fact, a distinction between the two.

The truth is, there is a big distinction between engineering and manufacturing altogether! Most of the time, there are departments that are for each within a company since they require a different set of skills. Although there is a difference between the two, they go hand in hand and work together for the end result. However, in smaller companies, the distinction can become lost since one or a few people handle the engineering and manufacturing together. This article will demonstrate the difference between the two types of drawings and why they are both important to have. Continue reading

U.S. vs. European Manufacturing Drawings

Being in the manufacturing industry since the 50s, we have fabricated metal products for companies throughout the world. Although most of our business comes from the US, we often see customers with European drawings. Although the drawings depict parts that allow for ease of manufacturing, the orientation and projection of the part views are a different standard that what we use in the US. This article will discuss how they are different and why. Continue reading

Manufacturing and Safety

Manufacturing SafetyIn recent years, manufacturing has gone through its roller coaster moments with companies going overseas, coming back, outsourcing, manufacturing in-house; it’s forever a changing environment. Over the past couple years, we have been seeing more manufacturing come back to the states, and so many manufacturing companies have added more employees to meet the manufacturing demand. According to [1], nearly 570,000 manufacturing jobs have been added in the last four years due to the growth of manufacturing. As more employees are added to the workforce, the more injuries and work-related accidents occur. Continue reading